Sunday, May 25, 2014

Heather and Fern

Oh what a beautiful view, a highland stream bubbling over slate, sparkling granite - 
past banks of rich moss and heather. There is such romance, such magic in the hills of Scotland.
 It was this enchanting landscape that inspired my latest doll, 
please may I introduce Heather - or Hettie as we know her here.


 Hettie is confident strong willed child, determined and fearless in her adventurous games, she is always the one to encourage others to try puddle jumping, or hedge climbing, yes indeed she is a free spirit! But  at the end of the day tired and happy, she loves nothing more than snuggling up for tea and toast, cuddling her wee baby doll Fern, while we read tales of brave knights and dragons.


Goodbye my brave Highland girl, I hope you journey to see those Scottish hills someday xxx

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The blue and the green

Hello my loves, I hope you are all keeping well, for this post I would like 
to take a little time to introduce you to my dear little friend, Flo.
Now you will all know how much I love my work, making dolls nourishes my soul - allows me  such freedom to express my creative side, but there comes a few days each month where my studio falls a little quiet. My dollies all adopted, snuggled in their boxes and beginning their own adventures, I have to say sometimes it is a little lonely. It's at these times that I hold my sweet little Flo and look into her kind eyes, give her a little squeeze and feel better! I only have a couple of dolls that live here with me, Flo was made by the incredibly talented Daria of Petit Gosset Dolls and don't tell the others Flo, but your my favorite girl!

My dearest Flo made by the incredibly talented Daria at Petit Gosset Dolls
Her sweet gentle face always makes me smile

The last week has not been easy, we have had to say goodbye  to a dear member of our family. Though we all feel such a sad loss, it has been good to take a little time away from my studio to focus on home life. The peaceful beauty of Dartmoor, the suns gentle warmth reminds me how fortunate I am to be here, to have my two kind and loving sons and a strong and supportive family.

Fun on Dartmoor

Flo loves adventures on sunny days
It's a big wide world out there Flo
 So Flo has spent the day with me and my boys today picnicking in the blue and the green - remembering good times. Tomorrow maybe I will begin to sew another doll, it touches my heart to think that someday this new doll, just an image in my mind right now - will be held by little hands and offer a comforting cuddle, soft understanding eyes will  let a child know they have a true friend.
What a wonderful place to be
I wish you all a wonderful week, full of all the simple joys, smiles and laughter.
Scarlett xx

Friday, May 2, 2014

Babes in the woods

 Here in Devon we are very fortunate to have some beautiful woodland. Each season brings a different palette of colours and textures, there are many dear little animals that call these woodland their home - nature truly provides so much inspiration! So imagine my delight when I was asked to create a pair of woodland children! Naturally my imagination ran wild and over the last few months, me and their new mama have become good friends as these sweet siblings have developed, I just know they will be so loved in their new home!

Anyway - without further ado, please meet Aven and Colle

Aven has beautifully soft Tibetan lamb hair in rich mahogany, tipped with russet and gold like sunshine through autumn leaves.

She wears a cotton print dress with woven woolen trousers, knitted boots, 
a pure wool felt fox coat which fastens with a large ceramic leaf button - 
oh and the tiniest terrarium necklace - with needle felt toadstool.
 Aven's mama loves snails so it seemed only right that Aven should have her own pet! 
Made from a real snail shell with a needle felt body 
little snail just loves to cuddle up in a leafy nest when not out adventuring!

Aven is a little shy - just like a real fox,
but once she has gotten to know you her true playful nature is revealed!

Colle is my little wolf pup - adventurous and always looking for trouble!

Colle wears a pair of moss green courdroy trousers, a little grey t shirt, wool knit boots and his wool felt wolf coat - naturally when he heard that his sister had a pet, he looked up at me 
with those deep grey eyes, lip quivering - yes yes yes ok - you can have one too! 
Colle chose a needle felt mouse as his buddy and has named him Squeeker.

I do hope these two will write occasionally - I have grown ever so fond of them! No doubt they will have a great many adventures and be able to tell some good stories!
Farewell my loves, say hello to all your ladybird friends in your new home for me!!