Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tova - a girl of the rain

Oh my dear Tova, you seem so sad my love - gazing out at the over cast skies.
"Will it ever stop raining?" she asks me quietly.
January in England can be a bleak time of year, night closes in so much earlier, we are swept with south westerly gales and the landscape around is wild and ragged.

 Tova was born of this sombre time of year, the rain has settled upon her, bestowing a forlorn expression and a quiet tone. Some dolls truely capture a piece of your own self, embodying a certain mood or feeling, at times we can all feel under the weather, like our world has faded into grey and Tova, gentle soul that she is - takes the worries of all to her heart.

 So will it ever stop raining? Well I shall tell you what I told Tova,

" It may rain, it may pour -
but as long as you have just a little bit of sunshine in your heart, 
then you will always have a rainbow in your pocket. "

If you would like to share your troubles with Tova, she will be looking for a new home comment style from now untill midday Sunday 18th  January in my hyenacart shop for further photographs please do visit my gallery.
Scarlett xx

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