Monday, June 8, 2015

Dreaming in the meadow

She takes me by the hand, wading through the tall grass, 
making little trails as we wander through the sunshine. 
We are going to her favorite place, where the aquilegias grow wild 
and the shade dapples the ground with peaceful cool. 
A place to while away the hours, and dream....

Her name is Lizzy, a tiny part of myself stitched in cloth, with hazle green eyes and summertime freckles. 
We enjoy the quiet times, with no words spoken, 
simply gazing upon the wonders of nature, knowing we need nothing more. 


 Lizzy will fly far, she is packed and ready to journey to a sweet doll maker friend of mine,
 to share stories, tea and biscuits untill someday I take a trip across the big pond  myself.

Love Scarlett xx